‘15 days of Economics’
2 min readAug 26, 2020
Day 14: Global economy growth. What will 2020 bring?
Mexico (Emerging Market Countries):
- The country has a strong GDP of $1.221 trillion which ranks 15th globally.
- Mexico has a GDP per Capita of $9.863.1 which ranks 70th worldwide.
- The average annual growth in real GDP is 2.5%.
- Of its economy: 4% is Agricultural, Industry is 33%, Manufacturing is 19% and Services are 63%.
- Mexico has an economic freedom score of 66 which is 67th worldwide.
- The countries unemployment rate is 3.43%.
Ethiopia (Rapidly growing economy):
- Ethiopia has a GDP per capita of $714 which ranks 22nd lowest in the world.
- The country has a purchasing power of 3.0 which ranks 16th lowest globally.
- It has an HDI of 44.8 which is 15th lowest in the world.
- Ethiopia has the fastest growing economy in the world with an annual growth of above 10%.
- The country has the ranks 1st for services growth with 12.8% annual increase.
- Ethiopia has a GDP of $84.36 billion which ranks 62nd globally.